I'm your average girl.
An average girl working a competitive job at a large software company, running a nonprofit, writing scifi, and just trying to get by.
An average girl struggling daily with ADHD, bipolar type II, and a startling number of food allergies. I'm constantly having to rewrite life to make the pieces fit.
My job is extremely challenging and my ADHD has nearly cost me the job twice. I'm overwhelmed by the responsibility with my nonprofit, as it wasn't what I meant to take on. I was the tech girl. I built the website. I didn't plan on being the girl who gets up in front of anyone and gives speeches, or rallies the troops. I didn't plan on being good at it. And I have writer's block like you wouldn't believe.
I've been told that the way to write is to write often. I have been struggling getting my stories, the lives and sagas in my head, out into a form that I can be proud of. I'm stuck. I have to write something.
They say, "write what you know."
I'm in a space right now where I know myself, where I am comfortable with my own strengths and faults. I am not, however, at the place where I can move competently through the world with the efficiency I need. I feel great about me, about who I am, about the things I can do. I am also convinced, deep down, that every person that thinks I'm good at anything is likely under a delusion, and I keep waiting for them to discover the truth, that I'm really not as good at something as I've led them to believe. It's hard to know. With ADHD I may be doing great, or I may be fooling myself and the world.
I'd be lying if I said I knew exactly what I'm doing with this blog. I feel like my life is this mash-up of things. It's been this way as long as I can remember. Never in my life, though, have I found myself juggling so much as I am now. I may talk about life, about the disorders that shake things up constantly, about food that I can eat, about the people that live in my head and complain to me about a decided lack of beef tacos for consumption.
I'm your average girl, who tackles crazy circumstances and a sometimes finds herself with an odd hand of cards, just like everyone else.
Random fact: I am about to go eat black cherry Jello.
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